Happy New Year! I hope you had a brilliant time marking the end of one year and the start of another, whether you went out and partied, stayed at home, or were tucked up in bed early. I was staying with friends and did manage to stay awake until midnight, although I was sipping mint tea and had happily swapped my heels for slippers by then!
How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions? Have you made any?
This year, I have decided to ditch them, because they can often make me feel like I have failed before the year has even really begun. However, I am a big fan of goal-setting, as thinking about your life goals is a key part of the coaching process and is a healthy element of adopting a growth mindset.
With this in mind, I have created a series for HELLO! this week about why I am focusing on smaller moments where I can consciously ‘tweak’ areas of my life to better suit where I am at now and move me closer to my long-term goals – I am calling this a ‘reset’.
Re-setting is a part of life and acknowledging the power of making a small change to an element of your lifestyle, can help you to grow and find greater happiness. They can help us to build new habits to stay productive, motivated and happy. A habit is a behaviour that has been repeated enough times to become automatic, and the ultimate purpose of habits is to solve the problems of life with as little energy and effort as possible.
‘These small changes will have a transformative effect on your career, your relationships and your life,’ says James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, which is a brilliant book on building new habits.
By starting small and creating new behaviours and really believing in them, we can start to move towards creating a new identity and get closer to our long-term goals.
Resets might be going to the gym twice a week, not looking at your phone first thing in the morning, sticking with a healthy eating plan, or signing up to some coaching sessions to help work on improving your confidence. All pro-active steps to move forwards in life.
What resets could you introduce? And how will you hold yourself accountable to them? Have a think and get in touch with me on here or over on Instagram @rosiejnixon to let me know how you are getting on.
You can find out more about the Hello! series by visiting: